Coffee Scrub

Need a little wake up in the morning and LOVE the smell of coffee?  Well this scrub is for you!  Along with the scrubby power of sugar.... we have added coffee grounds to ramp up the exfoliating power.  Not only will you feel wide awake and ready to slay the day by the end of your shower..... your skin will be silky smooth... AND no need for lotion!  

Size/Weight: 200gr 

  1. Sugar
  2. Coffee Grounds
  3. Coffee Butter
  4. Shea Butter
  5. Organic Coconut Oil
  6. Sulfated Castor Oil
  7. Vitamin E
  8. Coffee Essential Oil
  9. Vanilla Flavor


How to Use

Apply to wet skin in the shower.  Scrub until dead skin has been removed.  Rinse.


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